One, Twenty Four
Today's date deserves a post on its own, considering it's my favorite number after all, but also because the new year of 2024 has arrived and I haven't made any post yet since. I have also turned the page on my 42 years no so long ago.... so here we go, it's a two's and four's fiesta!!
I am not big on festivities, I don't celebrate holidays nor birthdays, but I did give myself few days off before, during, and after the holidays. I so needed a break from my constant grinding. Last year required from me to put all of my strength, resilience, patience, and grit into action, day in, day out, without any real break or pause to mention. I truly needed few days to come to terms with things, have a little breather, and see what direction I am being called towards in this new phase.
I am feeling it in every fibre of my being that the way forward is through the art, and perhaps even through the art only. I am fighting, with every fibre of my being, the incessant sound that keeps telling me "Quit!".
I have died last year, but then I was birthed again, and so I could only ever just get down to to re-writing my story now, or in better terms, to write the next chapters of it, instead of going in that journey on auto-pilot like usual.
During that break I dug out my clay pieces, the ones I experimented with few months ago, and I forced some play out of myself again. The daunting task of painting them which I was very apprehensive of - considering I know nothing about painting - turned out to be just fine. I did the odd but most satisfying thing ever; I stuck to only just one color, straight from the tube, not even changing its shade. I dived into a world of green heaven, my most favorite and comforting color in the world. I painted every piece in green, layer after later, unapologetically.
Here's to a new year of more wild, child-like play. Here's to art, limitless creativity, and abundance in all aspects, shapes or forms. Here's to hope, here's to faith, here's to dancing to one's own rythm, and thank you for the healing of one's heart through the hands' doings.
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